Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Moving to CinemaPrescription!

So in case you haven't noticed, I have finally moved on into a new blog and new platform. So this is actually me saying good bye to Vampibots :(

You now can find me here >>> CinemaPrescription

Thank you everyone who has stuck around for the past 9(!!) years. I appreciate all of your visits, comments and every support you have given me and Vampibots all this time, it's been an incredible journey. So see you guys around!

Friday, February 3, 2017

8th VAMPIBOTS ANNUAL LIST — Best Films of 2016

Another year, another list. Tidak terasa 2016 sudah terlewati. It went by really fast, mungkin karena saya banyak menganggur juga kali ya. Walaupun menganggur ternyata tetap tidak bisa menaikkan gairah untuk menulis haha. Sebenarnya pun saya sudah punya rumah baru untuk menulis ulasan film, tapi saya akan mem-properly introduce-nya di post lain. Sekarang tentu saja adalah waktu dimana saya (akhirnya) membeberkan film-film terbaik versi saya yang saya tonton 12 bulan terakhir. And by the way, sebenarnya dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya ingin memberikan tema untuk tiap Best Films list, tapi karena memang selera saya yang macam-macam jadi tidak pernah ketemu satu common theme untuk tiap tahunnya haha. Well enough babbling, let's get on with it.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


You read that right. It's my 8th and final year hosting this 'award ceremony'. Details will be given later. But please anticipate yet another year of my irrelevant, obnoxious, personal opinions of the films I've loved over the past few months. Talk to you soon! PS; Happy 8th birthday you resilient lil blog!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

7th VAMPIBOTS ANNUAL LIST — The Rest of the Awards

Well, hello there. And wow, it's been such a LONG time. First of all, I'm so sorry for not continuing my Annual List. There were so many things happened during that time, which I'm not going to bother you with. For those of you who have waited (if there's any), just saying sorry might not cut it. So I hope this jam-packed entry of the rest of my awards can somehow make it up to you. And until next time!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

7th VAMPIBOTS ANNUAL LIST — Best Female Performances

First of all, sorry it took me a whole month to continue the rest of my list. Second of all, it's been stated by many, last year was a very great year for Actress performances. Saat membuat list ini akhirnya saya harus mengamini. Dibandingkan dengan list untuk pria, lebih mudah bagi saya untuk mengumpulkan daftar nama-nama terbaik, yang tentunya menjadi jauuuuh lebih sulit ketika saya harus mengeliminasi beberapa penampilan yang sebenarnya juga saya sukai. But after much thought, these are the ones 'lucky' enough to be included on this prestigious (lol) list of mine..