Saturday, February 1, 2014

5th VAMPIBOTS ANNUAL LIST: Best Music Moments

To be quite honest, saya tidak memiliki kriteria tertentu ketika saya membuat list ini. Apakah 'Best Music Moments' harus menghadirkan sebuah live performances yang tampil dalam filmnya, atau apakah hanya sekedar penempatan lagu yang klop dengan sebuah scene tertentu? Yang jelas, film dan musik adalah sebuah kombinasi yang (mostly) sangat krusial. Well, yes, some films need no music, but others use it effectively for enhancing their scenes. These are the best ones from last year....

  10 — "Sandmountain" *this video contains spoiler*
Adegan ini diambil dari ending film The Broken Circle Breakdown, so it's a spoiler if you haven't seen the film. Yang bisa saya katakan, penampilan sang karakter utama dan bandnya di ending film asal Belgia ini sangat heartbreaking. And super sweet at the same time.

09 — "Crowns on the Ground" *not the actual scene*
I've already talked enough about this opening scene from Sofia Coppola's latest (divisive) film. Anyway, sebuah lagu yang menangkap betul semangat film tentang anak muda hedonis ini.

08 — "Young and Beautiful"
Young and Beautiful is actually one of my favorite original soundtracks of 2013. Balada romantis ini dengan begitu syahdu dinyanyikan dengan sangat haunting oleh Lana del Rey. Tentunya sebagai sebuah lagu tema The Great Gatsby, lagu ini benar-benar menyatu dengan aura filmnya. Great choice here, Luhrmann!

07 — "Roll Jordan Roll"
Kalau saya boleh memilih presentation clip untuk nominee Best Actor di Oscar nanti, saya akan memilih adegan ini untuk menampilkan performa akting Chiwetel Ejiofor dalam 12 Years a Slave. Setelah semua kekejaman, kekerasan hingga pengkhianatan yang dialami oleh Solomon Northup, ia sepertinya sudah tiba di poin dimana ia kehilangan sebuah semangat hidup. Dari adegan ini, bisa dilihat dari segala keprasahan yang ia rasakan, ada sebuah harapan dari setiap lirik yang ia ucapkan. Sesedikit apapun itu. And wow what a performance it was.

06 — "Everytime"
Spring Breakers is a weird film, in my opinion. Love it or hate it, tetapi saya rasa momen dimana karakter Alien (James Franco) bersama kroco-kroco barunya menyanyikan lagu Everytime dari Britney Spears diikuti dengan montage aksi kriminal mereka jelas menjadi sebuah momen yang memancing perhatian. First, it's a random choice of song. Second, Franco cannot really sing. Third, but the hell with it, it really captured the atmosphere of the film.

05 — "Modern Love" *not the actual scene*
Frances Hallaway is one awesome lady. But she's not a real person yet (her words). Yah, mungkin bagi yang sudah menonton filmnya terkadang dibuat annoyed sendiri dengan beberapa aksi childish Frances. Tetapi tentunya ketika ia berlarian dengan begitu gembira diiringi lagu dari David Bowie ini, you can't help to feel her excitement too. 

04 — "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?"
Saya termasuk orang yang menganggap Let it Go bukanlah momen terbaik dari film animasi Disney ini, there I said it. Saya malah lebih terkesan dengan Do You Wanna Build a Snowman yang hadir di beberapa menit awal film ini. Maybe people say it's too short and forgettable, tetapi musical number ini bagi saya benar-benar menangkap inti paruh awal dari Frozen; the falling out of two sisters. It's bittersweet and well, addictive. Oh check 'First Time in Forever' too!

03 — "Please Mr. Kennedy"
Sebagai sebuah film yang bercerita tentang jungkir balik kehidupan seorang folk singer, rasanya sudah jelas Inside Llewyn Davis akan menawarkan banyak musical moments yang menarik. 'Hang Me, Oh Hang Me' dan 'Fare The Well' termasuk stand-outs dari  film ini. But I decided to pick only one per movie, so I had to choose Please Mr. Kennedy yang dinyanyikan oleh Llewyn (Oscar Isaac), Jim (Justin Timberlake), dan Al Cody (Adam Driver) yang begitu komikal, entertaining...dan membawa keironisan tersendiri di ending film ini. 

02 — "The Moon Song"
from HER
Tak peduli improbabilitas hubungan antara manusia dan operating sistem yang dihadirkan oleh film Her, tetapi jelas chemistry yang dihadirkan Joaquin Phoenix dan (suara) Scarlett Johansson benar-benar terasa disini. Oscar did a great job nominating this song. Let the clip do the talking.

01 — "So You Know What It's Like"
from SHORT TERM 12
Salah satu keunggulan Short Term 12 adalah bagaiman penulis/sutradara Denis Cretton menampilkan latar belakang para karakter anak-anak bermasalah ini dengan begitu subtle. 'So You Know What It's Like' adalah lagu rap yang diciptakan oleh karakter Marcus (Keith Stanfield). Dalam penampilannya ini, ia mencurahkan pengalaman hidupnya yang pahit dengan begitu emosional, begitu raw, begitu heartbreaking. You think Young and Beautiful got robbed from an Oscar nomination? This one got MUGGED!

So do you have any favorite music moments in movies from last year? Share yours in the comment section!


  1. Surprised with Short Term 12 as #1! The lyric was indeed heartbreaking, and it feels like a wordplay (well, it's a rap) so I think no wonder people don't really consider it as a musical moment. Agree with your opinion about Let It Go, I myself prefer For The First Time in Forever to it.

    Nice post!

    1. Haha well I think it's a legit music moments cause he's rapping and it involves a musical intruments lol *reaching*. Let it Go is good song, but glad to know that I'm not alone thinking it's not the best one from the movie. First Time in Forever is indeed more amazing (especially in the Reprise).

      Thank you! :)

  2. Love the list, Riz. I saw Broken Circle yesterday and literally wept watching the scene. And sayang bgt Young & Beautiful yg awalnya tuh kontender Oscar terkuat, tiba2 jadi teroverlooked gitu. It's a travesty. And I still hate that Alone Yet Not Alone song, lol. Very much agree on Let It Go being overrated, I prefer Love Is An Open Door to any other songs; it's sweet, cute, and all (thanks to you for recommending me that the other day!). Happy for The Moon Song, but again, Lana Del Rey dan Keith Stainfeld itu bener2 korban dari kampanye kotornya si Bruce. Gw yakin salah satu dari mereka itu peringkat 6 pas voting nominasi kmrn.

    1. Thanks, Dan :) That ending scene is really heartbreaking indeed... I knew it all along something weird was happening behind that nod, right?! Sayang ya malah gak diganti nominee nya :(

    2. Lol, I see that you hated Alone Yet Not Alone so much Dan (so do I) but then I listened to the song and honestly I think it wasn't that bad. It's just how Bruce promoted it that made me hated it. If Alone Yet Not Alone had to be replaced, I prefer either Please Mr. Kennedy or Young and Beautiful to fill the position.

      And suddenly everyone forget about Atlas. Lol! A friend of mine, a big fan of Coldplay, was so desperate of it being snubbed from Oscar.

    3. I've listened to Alone two times already, but couldn't get through the entire song both times. Lol. It's not that I hate it, it's not a horrible song, but not award-worthy, either.

      I'm a big fan of Coldplay, so Globe nominating Atlas made me happy for sure and also gave me a glimpse of hope for its Oscar prospect. And I was very disappointed seeing it lose at the Globes, especially over Ordinary Love, another lame U2's single. :/

    4. I'm also a big fan of Coldplay, but IMO, Atlas is not a very strong track. And it wasn't huge like Skyfall last year, so its snub was not that surprising to me. Music branch of AMPAS have their own (and weird) preferences, so nominees in this category always expected to be 'out of the box' haha

    5. Agreed. Also, Atlas is not really the Academy-friendly song, and the Globes don't have a good record at predicting Oscar for Best Song. It's really unfortunate for Lana, her song and Skyfall share the same atmosphere, imo.

  3. harusnya dapat nominasi Short Term 12 utk lagu itu
    tp mungkin terlalu banyak F-word jd gk bisa diterima kali yak ?

    1. Mungkin juga itu salah satu alasannya sih, padahal lagu ini udah masuk shortlist-nya. Dan mungkin karena terlalu pendek juga :)

  4. Wah kalo saya nomor 1 tetep Britney Spears itu. Terus yang ngerap di Short Term 12 itu dalem banget emang. Anyway kalo sempat mampir ke blog saya ya Sukur-sukur kalo ditaruh di blog roll hehe. Anak Unair juga ya mas?

    1. Sip, nanti saya kunjungi dan link di blogroll... Wah iya saya anak unair :) anak unair jg kah? Salam kenal :)

  5. Keseluruhan suma sama lagu-lagu di list ini. Saya juga suka momen waktu Will Pouter nge-rap di We're the Millers sama momen Backstreetboys di-ending This Is the End.
    Btw, nice list. :)

  6. Nice list, I pretty much agree w/ all that I have seen. I did a Music Break post on INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS so even though I'm not in love w/ the film, I LOVE the music in it!

    1. Thanks, Ruth! Aaah the music is one of the biggest reasons I like that film :)
