Friday, April 30, 2010

"Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I'm doing"

Iron Man 2 (2010)
Setelah mengakui bahwa dirinyalah sang superhero, Iron Man, Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) kini menjadi the most lovable millionaire di Amerika. Tapi ternyata tidak hanya itu saja dampak confessionnya, pihak Departemen Pertahanan Amerika berfikir bahwa semua gadget yang dimiliki oleh Tony Stark adalah ancaman yg semerta-merta dapat membahayakan umat manusia. Stark tentu saja gak mau menyerahkan hasil ciptaannya begitu saja. Tingkah selebor dan masa bodonya di tengah-tengah sidang mampu mempermalukan para senat serta expert weaponry, Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell). Tingkahnya ini jelas membuat khawatir rekan-rekannya, Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) dan Col. James Rhodes (Don Cheadle).
Di lain pihak, seorang anak fisikawan -yang ternyata ayahnya juga musuh dari ayah Tony- Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), tengah membuat senjata yang ia ingin pergunakan untuk melawan Tony Stark, orang yang ia rasa bertanggung jawab atas kehidupan suram keluarganya. Alat tersebut memiliki konsep dasar yang sama dengan Iron Man. Hal ini dimanfaatkan oleh Hammers untuk membalas Tony Stark. Tetapi ternyata Ivan Vanko memiliki misi terselubung.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

10 Movie Facts About Me (meme)

I personally don't do this kinda thing. But after being tagged by my former teacher (not really tho), Ms. Novia Rozet, I got intrigued to do this meme. It's pretty fun. She told me to post it with full English and I'm not that expert, so bear with me with my English.

1. I don't really remember what was the first movie I watched back then, but I'm pretty sure it was Jumanji. And I think it was the movie responsible for my hobby of watching movies. Until this day, I still laugh my ass off every time I watch it.

I love thrillers, mysteries and detective stories. A brilliant twist at the end is a plus. But other than that, I'm a universal watcher. Horror, romance, drama, comedy, gore, action, GIMME!

3. I give movies the term 'my favorite' so easily. The truth is: most of them were forgotten after 2-3 weeks. A bad habit, I know. Only a few movies that still stay on that spot.

4. ...and one of them is The Shawshank Redemption.

5. My first experience going to the cinema with my friends was to watch The Tuxedo, starred Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love-Hewitt. I think I was still in the 4th grade.

6. I collect an Indonesian movie magazine, Cinemags, from the Black Hawk Down edition. It was released in 2001. And from that edition until now, I've NEVER missed one copy of the magazine. But now I'm thinking to change subscriptions.

7. Just like Ms. Novroz, I never actually like my own country's flicks. I got disappointed by watching them every now and then. I know they're improving right now, but I think it'll take me a long time until I fully appreciate them. Okay, no offense I just hate people telling me "If you, as an Indonesian, don't watch it, who else? Good quality Indonesian movies are not exist because lack of audiences" DON'T BE SUCH A WHINY-ASS!

8. The aspects of a movie that I'll consider to be my favorite are: convinced acting, great story, brilliant dialogs, inspirational and moving, and the most important is: it has to effect me big time in a good way.

9. My 2 biggest and most favorite guilty pleasures are: Legally Blonde and The Princess' Diaries. LOL. Judge me whatever you like, but I enjoy watching those movies.

10. The actor/actress is not really the reason I will watch one particular movie. I do have favorite actors and actresses though.

I should tag someone with this post, but I don't know who I have to tag. Sorry Miss :) I think I'll tag all my Indonesian movie-blogger friends. Or everyone who read this, consider yourselves are already tagged!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

They caught my eyes pt.12: Cannes & Toy Story 3

63rd Cannes Film Festival
Semenjak sedikit kecewa ngeliat poster Academy Awards kemaren, beberapa waktu lalu gw cukup dibikin takjub sama poster Cannes Festival taun ini. Entah kenapa keren banget menurut gw. Walaupun efek BW di Juliette Binoche gak terlalu gw suka, tapi overall, poster festival ini cukup catchy. Lagi tren juga kah memakai teknik bulb? Seperti yg bisa dilihat, pada perhelatannya yg ke 63 ini, Cannes akan diadakan pada tgl 12-23 Mei nanti.
80% caught my attention!

Toy Story 3
Sebenernya poster ini keluar udah lama, baru gw masukin aja kesini. Sebagai salah satu film yang paling gw tunggu2 dan berkeluaran character2 poster dan teasernya, kayaknya baru poster ini yg menurut gw keren. Entah kenapa walaupun terkesan berantakan, tapi bagus. Keliatannya kayak tokoh2nya lagi diletakan di suatu dus.
85% caught my attention!
Voices by: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Michael Keaton, Joan Cusack, Bonnie Hunt, Timothy Dalton, Whoopi Goldberg
Directed by: Lee Unkrich