Wednesday, February 25, 2009

About this year's Oscar...

Things that I like:
  1. Pas pengumuman kategori2 akting, ada 5 perwakilan past winners untuk ngebacain nominasi. What an idea! Keren banget!!!!
  2. Benjamin Button gak pulang dengan tangan kosong, seperti yang banyak diprediksikan. Whats up with long duration movies, guyssss!! Don't get lazy!
  3. Slumdog won BIG! 8 piala gila, udah lama banget ga liat film menang sebanyak itu di Oscar. Another record-material? I guess so
  4. Heath Ledger won what he deserved :) May you rest in peace, Heath.
  5. Tina Fey & Steve Martin!!!! "We shouldn't talk about our religion.. that we made up" ROFL!!! "Don't fall in love with me!" Classic.
  6. Finally, an Oscar for Kate Winslet!

Things I don't like:
  1. Hugh Jackman singing. Not that I don't like it, but cheesy lines for the songs. They tried to make it funny but didn't work for me -.-
  2. And shockingly, thats it.

Things that out of my predictions:
  1. Departures (Jepang) menang Foreign Language Film, ngalahin critics favorites, Waltz With Bashir (Israel) atau The Class (Perancis). GO ASIA!
  2. Sean Penn over Mickey Rourke for Best Actor. Poor you mickey, padahal Sean Penn udah pernah menang, tapi kata temen sih emang Sean Penn bagus bgt mainnya, jadi pengen nntn Milk nih
  3. Slumdog won Best Picture. Sebenernya ini udah obvious dan pasti banget cuman entah kenapa ada sedikit keraguan, soalnya selama ini pilihan Oscar jatuh kepada film2 segmented dan yang punya tipe2 mirip Benjamin Button. But finally, Oscar made a very smart decision!
  4. Best Visual Effect goes to BenButt? Over Iron Man? Dark Knight

Well thats it my review for this year's oscar. Overall, gw puas sama pemenang2nya... Semoga taun depan acaranya bisa lebih baik lagi.... Ameeen!

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