"In a moment, one of these ten movies will join a list that includes On The Waterfront, Midnight Cowboy, The Godfather and The Deer Hunter. The other nine will join a list that includes The Grapes Of Wrath, Citizen Kane, The Graduate and Raging Bull."
- Steven Spielberg presenting Best Picture Academy Awards. A 'nicer' way to say that just because you lose, it doesn't mean you suck.
Booriiiiing! Begitulah teriakan gw (not really literally) setelah memantau timeline Twitter tadi pagi. Bukan, bukan karena pemenang-pemenang Academy Awards yang ke-83 ini sangat sangat obvious dari awal. All the late-talks about possible upsets now look like jokes. Sebagian besar pemenang seakan sudah tertebak jauh-jauh hari sebelum acara ini digelar. Bening over Portman? Did not happen. Melissa Leo shut-out? Did not happen. The King's Sweep? Did not happen (yay!). A Picture/Director split? DID NOT HAPPEN. Yang menjadi little surprises mungkin adalah Roger Deakins tidak mendapat Oscar yang direbut oleh Wally Pfister untuk Inception. Shocking? Pfister sendiri udah dapet award dari Guild nya Cinematographer kok. Trent Reznor dan Atticus Ross menang Score? Sedikit kaget, tapi at least they've already won Globes. Costume untuk Alice? D'oooh. Bahkan kategori-kategori yang biasanya diisi oleh pemenang-pemenang kejutan seperti Best Foreign Language Film dan Best Documentary Feature tahun ini sangat-sangat tertebak. *menghela nafas*
Bagi kalian yang mem-follow twitter gw, pasti tau lah ada satu kategori yang bener-bener membuat gw marah besar, at least, kesel. Apalagi kalo bukan Achievement in Directing. Oooh hate me all you want, but I think TKS is the most overrated film last year. Yes yes yes it was great and all, it did lift my spirit up, nicely-made and has an inspiring story. But THE BEST FUCKING DIRECTOR?! I'm sorry Tom Hooper, I'm sure you did a great job *cough*. But the other nominees have done A LOT BETTER job than you did. Believe me when I say that this is going to be one of the worst mistakes Academy ever done. TKS for Picture? I actually fine with it (after a few nights wondering). It has all ingredients to make audience -and voters- drool over it, even it has Nazi in it, the Oscar bait. BUT (let me say this again, I'm not gonna tired of saying it) THE BEST FUCKING DIRECTOR?? First off, Hooper is a rookie, only has made like few flicks before. He still has not found his style yet, or his fingerprint whatsoever. He was not visionary. He's helped by great script, professional actors and some so-so technical aspects. Fincher on the other hand, turned what could be the most boring film ever into this amazing masterpiece with his mark all over it. Ensemble cast yang rata-rata masih muda bener-bener diasah talentnya oleh Fincher, contohnya tentu the infamous opening scene yang diambil dalam 99x take. Ever seen the behind-the-scene? Really showed how great director Fincher is. Hooper juga malah mengalahkan Aronofsky yang lebih berani mengambil resiko dan Nolan yang bahkan gak dinominasiin.
Hhhhh sorry for being such a douchebag whiny-ass, sorry for being a snob too, I know that Hooper is a great director, it's not fair for me to bash him off like that, he's done so many incredible things that I have never done or even could and would ever do. But, this week has been rough and when Hooper won, I just lost it. Walaupun gw udah berjanji sebelumnya akan terima apa saja dengan hasil Oscar. On the "brightside", the great Martin Scorsese saja harus dinominasikan 7x oleh Academy dulu baru akhirnya menang di The Departed. What's done is done. Hooper, congrats. I hope you could keep up and live with the reputation.
Back to the show..... Jadi situasi dan kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan, gw terpaksa hanya bisa memantau lewat timeline Twitter teman-teman movie blogger atau Oscar watcher di Indonesia maupun di US sana. Yang cukup menyita perhatian....
Bagi kalian yang mem-follow twitter gw, pasti tau lah ada satu kategori yang bener-bener membuat gw marah besar, at least, kesel. Apalagi kalo bukan Achievement in Directing. Oooh hate me all you want, but I think TKS is the most overrated film last year. Yes yes yes it was great and all, it did lift my spirit up, nicely-made and has an inspiring story. But THE BEST FUCKING DIRECTOR?! I'm sorry Tom Hooper, I'm sure you did a great job *cough*. But the other nominees have done A LOT BETTER job than you did. Believe me when I say that this is going to be one of the worst mistakes Academy ever done. TKS for Picture? I actually fine with it (after a few nights wondering). It has all ingredients to make audience -and voters- drool over it, even it has Nazi in it, the Oscar bait. BUT (let me say this again, I'm not gonna tired of saying it) THE BEST FUCKING DIRECTOR?? First off, Hooper is a rookie, only has made like few flicks before. He still has not found his style yet, or his fingerprint whatsoever. He was not visionary. He's helped by great script, professional actors and some so-so technical aspects. Fincher on the other hand, turned what could be the most boring film ever into this amazing masterpiece with his mark all over it. Ensemble cast yang rata-rata masih muda bener-bener diasah talentnya oleh Fincher, contohnya tentu the infamous opening scene yang diambil dalam 99x take. Ever seen the behind-the-scene? Really showed how great director Fincher is. Hooper juga malah mengalahkan Aronofsky yang lebih berani mengambil resiko dan Nolan yang bahkan gak dinominasiin.
Hhhhh sorry for being such a douchebag whiny-ass, sorry for being a snob too, I know that Hooper is a great director, it's not fair for me to bash him off like that, he's done so many incredible things that I have never done or even could and would ever do. But, this week has been rough and when Hooper won, I just lost it. Walaupun gw udah berjanji sebelumnya akan terima apa saja dengan hasil Oscar. On the "brightside", the great Martin Scorsese saja harus dinominasikan 7x oleh Academy dulu baru akhirnya menang di The Departed. What's done is done. Hooper, congrats. I hope you could keep up and live with the reputation.
Back to the show..... Jadi situasi dan kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan, gw terpaksa hanya bisa memantau lewat timeline Twitter teman-teman movie blogger atau Oscar watcher di Indonesia maupun di US sana. Yang cukup menyita perhatian....
- Kayaknya sih Franco kurang bisa memberikan penampilan sebagai host yang meriah (keliatan dari review2nya sih). Anne Hathaway oke katanya. Ngeliat sekilas openingnya lumayan lucu lah.
- Taun ini pembacaan nominasi akting gak pake past Oscar winners atau pun peers nya. Sayang sih, walaupun memang buang waktu, tapi menurut gw agak seru.
- Dua pemenang Supp. Actor dan Actress taun lalu, Christoph Waltz dan Mo'Nique tidak hadir untuk melakukan tradisi menyerahkan Oscar kepada pemenang taun ini (kinda weird).
- Performance Best Original Song diberlakukan lagi setelah taun lalu entah atas dasar apa di-cancel. Dan Celine Dion mengiringi In Memorian dalam penampilan Oscarnya yang ke-7, the most by a singer of all time.
- Ada penampilan surprise dari the legendary Billy Crystal!
- Best Director yang ngasih K-Big dan Hilary Swank (?) apa deh maksudnya?
- Steven Spielberg entah untuk yang keberapa kalinya memberikan piala untuk Best Picture.
- Dan untuk pertama kalinya pemenang Oscar mengucapkan kata 'F**K' di stage, and that person is... Melissa Leo. Plok plok plok.
- No Sweep for The King!
- Ketika nominasi Best Picture dibacakan, lagu pengiringnya adalah score The King's Speech. Way to go for giving us an obvious clue, Academy. Boohoo!
- Isn't it ironic? Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan was like The Social Network, kalah oleh film yang di-backing Weinstein. Shakespeare in Love & The King's Speech. L.o.l.
- For me, Inception was THE BIG WINNER tonight. Winning 4 out of 8, sweeping the tech nods, incl cinematography. TKS *just* won 4 out of 12. TSN won the deserving 3 Awards, should have won Director too. True Grit was this year's Gangs Of New York by being a loser; 0 win out of 10. Same as 127 Hours, The Kids Are All Right and Winter's Bone, going home with none. While movies like The Wolfman won 1 and Alice in Wonderland won 2.
- Melihat pemenangnya, pembagian piala termasuk 'adil', gak didominasi sama satu film particular. Gak kayak taun lalu, Hurt Locker dapet 6 Oscar, atau taun sebelumnya, Slumdog Millionaire dapet 8 (!).
- Karena gw belom nntn acaranya sepenuhnya, cuman itu doang yang bisa gw komentarin, mungkin nanti kalo sempet gw tambahin lagi *kalo sempet lho ya*
These are the lucky winners:
Best Picture - The King's SpeechAnd here's the goodies I've found in the net! Gak begitu bagus sih kualitasnya, cuman ini doang yang bisa didapet haha Check em out...
Best Director - Tom Hooper (The King's Speech)
Best Leading Actor - Colin Firth (The King's Speech)
Best Leading Actress - Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
Best Supporting Actor - Christian Bale (The Fighter)
Best Supporting Actress - Melissa Leo (The Fighter)
Best Animated Feature - Toy Story 3
Best Foreign Language Film - In a Better World (Denmark)
Best Documentary - Inside Job
Best Adapted Screenplay - Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network)
Best Original Screenplay - David Seidler (The King's Speech)
Best Art Direction - Alice in Wonderland
Best Cinematography - Inception
Best Costume - Alice in Wonderland
Best Make-Up - The Wolfman
Best Editing - The Social Network
Best Original Song - We Belong Together (Toy Story 3)
Best Original Score - The Social Network
Best Sound Mixing - Inception
Best Sound Editing - Inception
Best Visual Effect - Inception
Best Documentary Short Subject - Strangers No More
Best Animated Short Film - The Lost Thing
Best Live Action Short - God of Love
- "When I watched Kate [Winslet] two years ago, it looked so fucking easy! OOPS." - Melissa Leo
- “Melissa… I’m not gonna drop the F-bomb like she did. I’ve done that plenty before.” - Christian Bale
- "I have a feeling my career just peaked" - Colin Firth
Secuil tingkah lagu 2 host, Anne Hathaway & James Franco. Atas: salah satu parodi The King's Speech. Tengah: beberapa monologue, look how awkward Franco was. Bawah: Franco as Marilyn Monroe.
- “I wrote this movie but David Fincher made this movie, and he did it with an ungodly artfulness. Someone this talented has no business being the nicest guy in the world, but he is.” - Aaron Sorkin
- "Roxy Sorkin, your father just won an Academy Award.I’m gonna have to insist on some respect from your guinea pig. Thank you very much" - Aaron Sorkin
- "I wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for the vision of three incredible guys. John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, and Steve Jobs, the founders of Pixar Animation Studios, which by the way, is the most awesome place on the planet to make movies...... And finally, thank you to audiences all over the world who came out in historic numbers and embraced a movie about talking toys that hopefully had something very human to say. Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!” - Lee Unkrich
- "She came home, she rang me up and said, I think I’ve found your next movie... The moral of the story is, listen to your mother." - Tom Hooper
Yah sedih banget Black Swan ga menang buat director. Padahal gue jagoin itu *no offense*
ReplyDeletehampir setuju buat semua pendapat bung razi nih, tapi soal gak setujunya trent dan ross menang score kayaknya saya gak ikutan gak setuju ah, hehe, trent reznor itu ibaratnya hanns zimmer di dunia musik industrial, dan udah jadi tandem fincher dari jaman film 7even, even the girl with tato naga juga fincher minta bantuan dia lagi, bukan cuman itu, trent udah menang berapa grammy dan award lain di tahun 90an, dia itu legenda hidup di dunia musik, aje gile kalo gak menang buat score original, hehe, jadi satu satunya penghargaan yang paling masuk akal di oscar taun ini dan memang pas porsinya ya ini dia, with capslock on, THE BEST ORIGINAL SCORE: THE SOCIAL NETWORK by TRENT REZNOR and ATTICUS ROSS! yeahhh!
ReplyDeletebtw, nice post 'bout oscar, setuju banget ma uneg uneg soal best director :p
@Fradita: saya sih masih maklum kalo misalny Aronofsky yg menang, bahkan dia bisa jadi pilihan ke-2 saya hehe
ReplyDelete@ariasparrow: waduh2 saya mah juga dukung Trent Reznor sama Atticus Ross, setuju banget malah dia yg menang hehe cuman sedikit kaget aja, kirain bakal Desplat, soalnya biasanya juri2 oscar gak suka musik yang begituan.. malah sekarang scorenya The Social Network selalu nemenin saya belajar hahaha seru sih
sip, selamat bergabung ke dunia trent, hahaha :D long live and prosper with NIN \m/
ReplyDeleteYeaaa...walopun ga bisa nntn Oscar kali ini (ga ada TV yang nyiarin :( ) tapi puas sama hasilnya,ga keseluruhan sih tapi setidaknya TKS,Colin and Christian semuanya menang :)
ReplyDeleteAh...sekarang gimana nasib kita pencinta film nih? kangen berat ama bioskop :(