Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Favorite Scenes pt.1

I'm gonna start a new thing from now, to post my favorite movie scene. Which scene has the honor to be my lab rat? Its the one and only, The Dark Knight.

Yang mana yg gw pilih? Secara The Dark Knight bergelimpangan scene2 memorable yg asik buat ditonton berulang-ulang. Apalagi scene2 yg berhubungan sama Joker. Surprisingly, gw lebih memfavoritkan adegan yg satu ini: click here! *sori ya ga bisa di embed

Adegan ini menceritakan bahwa akuntan Wayne Enterprise, Coleman Reese, tanpa sengaja menemukan rancangan batmobile. Dia tentu aja bisa menyimpulkan bahwa Bruce Wayne adalah Batman. Setelah ia menyampaikannya pada Lucius Fox, salah satu asisten Bruce, bahwa ia meminta 10 juta dollar tiap taunnya (agar ia tutup mulut), Lucius dengan nada yg cool bgt ngomong:
Lucius Fox: Let me get this straight, you think that your client, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands. And your plan is to blackmail this person? Good luck...
Paraaaah that was one of the smartest yet most hilarious moment in a movie ever! Morgan Freeman yg memerankan Lucius Fox dengan sangat mulus me-react pernyataan Reese. Cool gila!!!!

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